Look up the Sky! : Ten-millions' Star Gazing
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Until Jan 11, 2010,
7,377,351 people
had enjoyed star gazing.

IYA2009 Photo Mosaic
These are photo mosaics using 5710 photo collections
from all over Japan during the International Year of Astronomy.

Portrait of Galileo Galilei
(The original image was drawn by Tetsuya Takabe.)

SUBARU telescope
(National Astronomical Observatory of JAPAN)

© IYA2009 Japan Committee 2009 All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution are forbidden.

Today Image
IYA2009 Photo Mosaic
(The original image was drawn by Tetsuya Takabe)
Result Summary

We had 0 reports yesterday.
We have 0 reports today.


About the project "Ten-millions' Star Gazing"

You know, there are various astronomical objects such as the Moon, planets, meteors and many stars in the sky.
We will announce interesting astronomical events on the web and provide you various opportunities to observe the stars and the Universe during the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
Let's look up the night sky and imagine our universe and our origin together on the Earth.
After you see astronomical events, please access our website.
You will see the counter which shows how many people see and enjoy the event together.
We hope at least 10 million people enjoy the night sky during IYA2009!
The International Year of Astronomy 2009
"AKATSUKI" Message Campaign
About this project